Panasonic Dubai | Panasonic PBX telephone systems offer a wide range of ip and digital telephone solutions to meet the needs of all kinds of businesses regardless of size or scale.
The Panasonic KX-NCP series are advanced communication telephone solutions designed to enable businesses achieve unified communications by enhancing and streamlining office communications with presence-enriched productivity applications.
The global trend in the area is to unify all communication media to interact with each other seamlessly and transparently.The Panasonic KX-NS500 VOIP Pabx offers a complete set of functions and telephony communications network for small and medium enterprises, with a wide range of fixed and wireless terminals, headsets and softphones. System resources can be improved and licenses to meet the needs of organizations with one or several locations.
Panasonic KX-NS500 has advanced features, starting from 6 analog lines and 18 extensions up to 288 extensions with Expansion Unit. Panasonic NS500 Iis a unified communication system with VOIP features such as mobile communication, email and integrated voicemail, instant messaging (chat) and presence information. You can also use integrated applications like Call Center, mobile solutions and VM systems that provide greater efficiency and increase the level of customer satisfaction.
Enhance your business with panasonic solution designed to meet your needs with mobility, network applications and a common infrastructure that helps connects your users, wherever they may be. Straight forward and smooth migration is the key for upgrading to converged solutions. KX-TDA100/200 systems can easily be upgraded to take advantage of all the new benefits. Manage a single system, or multiple systems from any location, and benefit from lower costs and increased business productivity. Now that the rules have changed, you can have the advantage.
The Panasonic KX-TDE 100//KX-TDE 200/ KX-TDE 600 are powerful and versatile communication telephone pbx systems that will easily adapt to any business, providing solutions that will improve the way your business communicates.
The New Panasonic KX-T824 pbx picks up where the successful Panasonic KXT-624 left off, but with a greater capacity of up to eight telephone lines (as opposed to six). It also offers far more built-in features within the self-configuring CCU such as a fully featured voicemail option.
The Panasonic KX-TA824 Advanced Hybrid Telephone System is an expandable Hybrid phone system (uses analog and digital technology) for both business and residential applications. The phone system maintains the traditional Panasonic design as a true hybrid that can support either Key System Telephone devices or SLT (Single Line Tip/Ring - basic telephones) devices on any extension port without additional expense. The main control cabinet features both a serial port and USB port for PC programming (Microsoft Windows based maintenance application), and built in programming modem for remote administration. The System can be programmed via a laptop or from a system display telephone such as the KX-T7636B.
For more than 40 years Panasonic has been a major worldwide innovator of business telephone system achieving number one market share in key Telephone/Hybrid Systems. The business environment is constantly changing, and Panasonic continues to be an integral part of the rapidly changing business environment by providing state of the art telephone equipment. Which includes wireless connectivity. Keeping in touch with your customers is a key element in maintaining a good business, and Panasonic is there to help that happen.
Panasonic's Hybrid IP-PBX system is a powerful tool to support business in today's converged networking age. The systems merge PBX functions and reliability with IP technology.This high performing business communication solution provides advanced telephone and messaging solutions, efficient and flexible communications, DECT cordless telephony, IP networking capability, Voice-Over-IP and Plug-n-Play integration with your PC using USB connection.
Panasonic NCP Ip telephone system is a fantastic pre-configured digital telephone system for any small business. Although it is supplied pre configured to support digital telephone and ISDN2 telephone lines . It is supplied with a basic voicemail system so you can setup individual voicemail boxes if you wish. You can also use the voicemail as an out of hours answering facility.
There are multiple handset options you can choose from and you can have a mix and match of phone models to suit your needs; perhaps an executive phone for the company owner or office manager and a less superior phone in the kitchen area.
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Panasonic KX-TDE200
System with up to 256 Extensions
and 128 COs
Panasonic KX-TDE600
System with up to 432 Extensions
and 160 COs
Panasonic KX-TDE100
System with up to 128 Extensions
and 128 COs